PEST OF THE MONTH...         
About us
Lawn and Garden tips

Alcliff Landscaping & Nursery. Inc.
1975 Military Road, Niagara Falls, NY  14304
(716) 297-3590
This month we will dedicate to sprucing up your shrubery
BUG OF THE MONTH-  Euonymus Scale
The female scales are brown or dark brown, pear shaped, and slightly over 1/16 inch long. Male scales are elongate, tiny and chalky white in color . At times, however, the whole plant is "whitened" by the covers of the smaller male scales. When this occurs, the plants leaves may drop and sometimes a normally green plant becomes bare by midsummer.  The scales overwinter as fully grown, fertilized females
Control- May we suggest Bonide All Season Spray Oil.  This is an oil that will sufficate the scale before it can spread to the new growth
Black Spot on Roses: Black spot of rose  is a disease caused by a fungus called Diplocarpon rosae. The optimal conditions for disease development are 75-85° F and high
relative humidity. Leaves and canes can become infected. The fungus overwinters on diseased canes and in infected leaves on the ground.  In the spring, the fungal spores spread to emerging leaves and stems by wind or splashing rain.

We recomend Bonide Rose Rx 3/1 Organic Spray
Controls: Insects, Mites & Fungus  (Contains Neem Oil)
Free Gift
Beat Magnolia Scale & Birch Borers before they happen!!!  
Now is the time to use Systemic Granules...In stock now!!!
Bulk Mulch